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仉文岗,教授、博士生导师,重庆大学“百人计划”学者,中组部国家级青年人才,第三批重庆市学术学科带头人,重庆英才-创新领军人物,“长江学者奖励计划青年项目”通讯评审专家,国家公派研究生项目通讯评审专家,曾挂职重庆市科委人才与基础研究处副处长。本硕毕业于河海大学,博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学(QS全球Top12)。在《Engineering Geology》、《Geoscience Frontiers》、《IJNAMG》、《TUST》、《IJRMMS》《Computers and Geotechnics》等国际著名高水平SCI期刊以第一或通讯作者身份发表文章80余篇,SCI次数逾2000,主编英文著作2部,英文教材1部。担任《 Geoscience Frontiers 》、《Underground Space》客座主编(Leading Guest Editor),担任国际土力学与岩土工程学会(ISSMGE)TC219、TC304和TC309委员,担任中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会青年工作委员会副主任委员、中国岩石与力学工程学会会员滑坡与工程边坡分会理事、中国力学学会岩土分委会委员,担任埃及Tanta大学客座教授以及智利国家科学技术委员会外审专家。2019年7月获得Computers and Geotechnics 2019年杰出论文奖(以已故英国皇家科学院院士、皇家工程院院士,澳洲科学院院士和工程院两院院士Sloan教授命名),2019年12月获国际岩石力学学会青年委员会青年研究学者奖。主持国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发计划子课题以及外专引智项目、重庆市教委重点项目、重庆市建委重点项目、重庆市留学归国人员创业创新支持计划项目、重庆市基础研究与前沿探索等多个项目。


留学生,Excavation and Earth Retaining Structures

Geoscience Frontiers(IF:4.2)客座编辑(Lead Guest Editor,2017年与Goh ATC合作,2019年与Goh ATC,Ching JY, Andy Leung合作)
Acta Geotechnica(IF:4.35)客座编辑(Lead Guest Editor,2021年与Liu Zhongqiang, Carlos Acosta合作)
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (IF: 2.829)客座编辑(Lead Guest Editor,2020年与KK Phoon合作)
Underground Space(CiteScore:3.0)客座编辑(Lead Guest Editor,2020年与Chu J合作)

1. Chen Longlong, Wengang Zhang*, Yun Zheng, Dongming Gu, and Lin Wang. Stability Analysis and Design Charts for Over-dip Rock Slope Against Bi-planar Sliding. Engineering Geology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105732.
2. Wengang Zhang, Xin Gu, Wenhan Zhong, Zhitao Ma, Xuanming Ding. 2020. A review of transparent soil model testing technique in underground construction: ground visualization and result digitalization. Underground Space. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2020.05.003.
3. Zhenyu Wang, Hanlong Liu, Xuecheng Gao, Böhlke Thomas, Wengang Zhang. 2020. Stability analysis of soil slopes based on strain information. Acta Geotechnica. DOI :10.1007/s11440-020-00985-x.
4. Zhang Wengang, Li Yongqin, Goh ATC, Zhang Runhong. 2020. Numerical study of the performance of jet grout piles for braced excavations in soft clay. Computers and Geotechnics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103631.
5. Wang Zhenyu, Gu Dongming, Zhang Wengang. 2020. A DEM study on influence of excavation schemes on slope stability. Journal of Mountain Science ,17: 1509–1522.
6. Chen Fuyong, Zhang Runhong, Wang Yu, Liu Hanlong, Thomas Böhlke, Zhang Wengang. 2020. Probabilistic stability analyses of slope reinforced with piles in spatially variable soils. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.  122, 66–79.
7. Lin Wang, Chongzhi Wu, Libin Tang, Wengang Zhang, Suzanne Lacasse, Hanlong Liu, Lei Gao 2020. Efficient reliability analysis of earth dam slope stability using extreme gradient boosting method. Acta Geotechnica. DOI: 10.1007/s11440-020-00962-4.
8. Runhong Zhang, ChongzhiWu, Anthony.T.C.Goh, Thomas Böhlke, Wengang Zhang*. 2020. Estimation of Diaphragm Wall Deflections for Deep Braced Excavation in Anisotropic Clays Using Ensemble Learning. Geoscience Frontiers. DOI: 10.1016/j.gsf.2020.03.003.
9. Wengang Zhang, Liang Han, Xin Gu, Lin Wang*, Fuyong Chen, Hanlong Liu. 2020. Tunneling and deep excavations in spatially variable soil and rock masses: a short review. Underground Space. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2020.03.003.
10. Wengang Zhang, Liang Han, Li Feng, Lin Wang, Hanlong Liu*, Xuanming Ding, Zhixiong Chen, Ashraf Aljarmouzi. 2020. Study on seismic behaviors of a double box utility tunnel with joint connections using shaking table model tests. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2020.106118.
11. Zhang Wengang*, Yongqin Li, Chongzhi WU, Li Hongrui, Anthony Goh, Runhong Zhang. 2020. Prediction of lining response for twin-tunnel construction in anisotropic clays using machine learning techniques. Underground Space. 10.1016/j.undsp.2020.02.007
12. Zhang, W., Wu,, C., Zhong,, H., Li,, Y., Wang, L.*, Prediction of undrained shear strength using extreme gradient boosting and random forest based on Bayesian optimization, Geoscience Frontiers, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2020.03.007.
13. Wengang Zhang*, Li Hong, Li Yongqin, Runhong Zhang, Anthony T.C. Goh. 2020. Assessment of effect of jet grouting slabs on responses for deep braced excavations. Underground Space. 10.1016/j.undsp.2020.02.002.
14. Zhang WG*, Ching JY, Goh ATC, Leung AYF. 2020. Big Data and Machine Learning in Geoscience and Geoengineering: Introduction. Geoscience Frontiers. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2020.05.006
15. Lin Wang, Chongzhi Wu, Xin Gu, Hanlong Liu, Guoxiong Mei, Wengang Zhang*. 2020. Probabilistic stability analysis of earth dam slope under transient seepage using multivariate adaptive regression splines. BOEG. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-020-01730-0
16. Lin Wang, Libin Tang, Zhenyu Wang, Hanlong Liu, Wengang Zhang*. 2020. Probabilistic characterization of the soil-water retention curve and hydraulic conductivity and its application to slope reliability analysis. Computers and Geotechnics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103460
17. Wengang Zhang*, Runhong Zhang, Chongzhi Wu, Anthony Teck Chee Goh, Suzanne Lacasse, Zhongqiang Liu, Hanlong Liu. 2020. State-of-the-art review of soft computing applications in underground excavations. Geoscience Frontiers, 11: 1095-1106.
18. Wengang Zhang*, Chongzhi Wu, Yongqin Li, Lin Wang, Samui P. 2019. Assessment of pile drivability using random forest regression and multivariate adaptive regression splines. Georisk. DOI: 10.1080/17499518.2019.1674340
19. Lin Wang, Chongzhi Wu, Yongqin Li, Hanlong Liu, Wengang Zhang*, Xiang Chen. 2019. Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Unsaturated Slope Failure Considering Spatial Variability of Hydraulic Parameters. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. DOI 10.1007/s12205-019-0884-6.
20. Zhang RH. Goh ATC and Zhang WG. (2019). System reliability assessment on deep braced excavation adjacent to an existing upper slope in mountainous terrain: A case study. SN Applied Sciences. DOI :10.1007/s42452-019-0938-x.
21. Zhixiong Chen, Peng Yang, Hanlong Liu, Wengang Zhang*, Chongzhi Wu. 2019. Characteristics analysis of granular landslide using shaking table model test. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2019.105761
22. Goh ATC, Zhang RH, Wang W, Wang L, Liu H, and Zhang WG. 2020. Numerical study of the effects of groundwater drawdown on ground settlement for excavation in residual soils. Acta Geotechnica 15: 1259–1272.
23. Chen Fuyong, Wang Lin, Zhang Wengang*. 2019. Reliability assessment on stability of tunneling perpendicularly beneath an existing tunnel considering spatial variabilities of rock mass properties. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 88: 276-289.
24. Goh ATC, Zhang WG*, Wong KS. 2019. Deterministic and reliability analysis of basal heave stability for excavation in spatial variable soils. Computers and Geotechnics, 108: 152-160.
25. Zhang Wengang, Zhang Runhong, Wang Wei, Zhang Fan, Anthony Goh Teck Chee. 2019. A Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines model for determining horizontal wall deflection envelope for braced excavations in clays. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology. 84:461-471.
26. Wengang Zhang*, Zhongjie Hou, Anthony T.C. Goh, Runhong Zhang. 2019. Estimation of strut forces for braced excavation in granular soils from numerical analysis and case histories. Computers and Geotechnics, 106: 286-295.
27. Xuecheng Gao, Hanlong Liu, Wengang Zhang, Wei Wang and Zhenyu Wang. 2019. Influences of reservoir water level drawdown on slope stability and reliability analysis. Georisk, 13(2): 145-153.
28. Zhang Wengang, Wang Wei, Zhou Dong, Goh ATC, Zhang Runhong. 2018. Influence of groundwater drawdown on excavation responses – A case history in Bukit Timah granitic residual soils. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 10: 856-864.
29. Xiang Yuzhou, Liu Hanlong, Zhang Wengang, Chu Jian, Zhou Dong, Xiao Yang. 2018. Application of transparent soil model test and DEM simulation in study of tunnel failure mechanism. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 74: 178-184.
30. Zhang WG*, Goh ATC, Zhang YM. 2015. Probabilistic assessment of serviceability limit state of diaphragm walls for braced excavation in clays. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering. 1(3): 06015001.
31. Zhang WG, Goh ATC. 2018.  Reliability analysis of geotechnical infrastructures: Introduction. Editorial Paper. Geoscience Frontiers. 9(6): 1595-1596.
32. Anthony T.C. Goh, Yanmei Zhang, Runhong Zhang, Wengang Zhang*, Yang Xiao. 2017. Evaluating stability of underground entry-type excavations using multivariate adaptive regression splines and logistic regression. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology 70: 148-154.
33. Zhang WG, Zhang YM, Goh ATC*. 2017. Multivariate adaptive regression splines for inverse analysis of soil and wall properties in braced excavation. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology 64: 24-33.
34. Goh ATC, Zhang Fan, Zhang WG*, Otard Chew YS. 2017. Assessment of strut forces for braced excavation in clays from numerical analysis and field measurements. Computers and Geotechnics 86: 141-149.
35. Goh ATC, Zhang Fan, Zhang WG*, Zhang YM, Liu Hanlong. 2017. A simple estimation model for 3D braced excavation wall deflection. Computers and Geotechnics 83: 106-113.
36. Zhang WG*, Goh ATC. 2016. General behavior of braced excavation in Bukit Timah Granite residual soils: a case study. International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories, 3(3): 190-202.
37. Goh ATC, Zhang WG*, Zhang YM, Xiao Y, Xiang YZ. 2018. Determination of EPB tunnel-related maximum surface settlement: A Multivariate adaptive regression splines approach. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 77:489-500.
38. Goh ATC*, Zhang WG. 2012. Reliability assessment of stability of underground rock caverns. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 55: 157-163.
39. Goh ATC*, Zhang WG. 2014. An improvement to MLR model for predicting liquefaction-induced lateral spread using multivariate adaptive regression splines. Engineering Geology 170: 1-10.
40. Zhang WG, Goh ATC*. 2012. Reliability assessment on ultimate and serviceability limit states and determination of critical factor of safety for underground rock caverns. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 32: 221-230.
41. Zhang WG, Goh ATC*. 2013. Multivariate adaptive regression splines for analysis of geotechnical engineering systems. Computers and Geotechnics 48: 82-95.
42. Zhang WG, Goh ATC*. 2016. Multivariate adaptive regression splines and neural network models for prediction of pile drivability. Geoscience Frontiers. 7: 45-52.
43. Zhang WG, Goh ATC*, Xuan F. 2015. A simple prediction model for wall deflection caused by braced excavation in clays. Computers and Geotechnics 63: 67-72.
44. Zhang WG, Goh ATC*. 2015. Numerical study of pillar stresses and interaction effects for twin rock caverns. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 39(2): 193-206.
45. Zhang WG, Goh ATC*, Zhang YM, Chen YM, Xiao Y. 2015. Assessment of soil liquefaction based on capacity energy concept and multivariate adaptive regression splines. Engineering Geology 188: 29-37.
46. Zhang WG, Goh ATC*. 2015. Regression models for estimating ultimate and serviceability limit states of underground rock caverns. Engineering Geology 188: 68-76.
47. Shahrour Isam, Zhang Wengang. 2020. Use of the Soft Computing techniques for TBM tunnelling optimization. Underground Space. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2019.12.001.
48. 仉文岗,韩亮,陈志雄,冯立,丁选明,刘汉龙.双仓综合管廊抗震性能模型试验研究[J].岩土工程学报,2020,42(01):100-108.
49. 章润红 刘汉龙 仉文岗. 2018.深基坑支护开挖对临近地铁隧道结构的影响分析研究.防灾减灾工程学报 38(5): 863-872.
50. 周东,仉文岗,刘汉龙,丁选明,杨昌友.2019. 被动桩侧土体位移场的透明土模型试验研究. 岩土力学. 40(7):2686-2694
51. Zhang Wengang. MARS Applications in Geotechnical Engineering Systems: Multi-Dimension with Big Data. 2019. Springer.
Zhang Wengang. Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Underground Rock Caverns. 2018. 中国建筑工业出版社.
53. Zhang Wengang, Wang Wei, Zhang Runhong, Hou Zhongjie. Deep Braced Excavations & Earth Retaining System. 2019. 重庆大学出版社.

2019年Computers and Geotechnics Sloan杰出论文奖

合作博士后:王  林(2018)  顾东明(2018,与与刘汉龙教授合作培养)   王鲁琦(2020,与与刘汉龙教授合作培养)
已毕业博士:向钰周(和楚剑教授联合指导)   王振玉(和楚剑教授联合指导)
已毕业硕士:王  尉(2016)   周  东(2016)   傅胤榕(2016)  
          唐理斌(2017)   巫崇智(2017)   周小婉(2017)   杨昌友(2017,与刘汉龙教授联合指导)  
